The Chaos Crew had a largely chill past week, at least as far as they’re willing to say. Since both Mom and Dad were out for a couple of days, I strongly suspect that there were many shenanigans that will just remain for them to know and us humans to never find out.
Notes from Spunky
“Yeah, it’s really better that the humans don’t know what went on around here this week. I’m pretty sure Mom’s blood pressure wouldn’t take it well. Let’s just say there was an incident with the much-abused plant and leave it at that.”

Chaos Crew Updates
(also sometimes referred to as “Mr. Fluffy Tail”)
“I’m totally innocent. I just slept in the office, played very gently with my buddy Harrison, and batted the toy wand around a bit. I would never mess with a plant. Besides, I had a very traumatic start to the week, when I got my paw caught in a toy. I was too exhausted for more.”

(also referred to as “Cuddle Bunny”)
“I can’t believe anyone would even suspect me. As if I would actually attack the plant myself when I could have my pawns do it for me. What kind of despot do you take me for?”

Harrison (Ford)
“I’m cute and cuddly and definitely innocent. So maybe my curiosity often gets the better of me. I was just investigating. Nothing happened.”

Henry (Ford)
“Why am I a suspect? I usually stick to chewing cords and stealing food. Okay, so maybe there was that one time I ate the plant. And, I guess, that other time too. And, okay, so maybe a few more. But, really, I didn’t do anything.”

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